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Learn Watercolor Painting

Beginners Start Here:

Watercolor Paper Guide

  1. Selecting Watercolor Paints

  2. Watercolor Basics Technique:

    Wet in Wet Technique

    Wet on Dry

    Using Masking Fluid

    White Watercolor Paint

  3. Painting Basic Subjects: Trees, Landscape, Sky

  4. Painting Basic Subjects: Still Lifes

  5. Painting Basic Subjects: Floral Art (Realistic vs Floral)

  6. Botanical Painting Timelapse

    6b. 10 Ways to Make Your Botanical More Dynamic

  7. What is Watercolor Ground

    NFT Crash Course

    1. What is an NFT?

    2. How Easy is it to Create an NFT?

    3. Turn Your Art into an NFT

    4. NFT Crash Course

    Gouache Basics

    Gouache has gained popularity in recent years from illustrators and designers who use it for commercial work. Learn the basics of gouache and how to change your mindset shift from watercolor to an opaque medium.

    1. Gouache Basics

    2. Working with the paper

    3. How much water is too much?

    4. Reactivating paints

    5. Landscapes with gouache

    Artists Career Blueprint

    Everyone starts somewhere.

    1. Artist’s mindset

    2. Identifying your target market

    3. Coining your niche

    4. Forming a brand

    5. Developing moodboards for your different social media platforms

    6. Sharing your work on social platforms

      Using Pinterest

    7. Career options for artists

    8. How to Make Money as a Watercolor Artist

    Artist Marketing Basics

    1. How to Build a Funnel Page for Artists

Find a Painting Project

Painting Utah Landscapes with Gouache

Secret Garden Swaddle Baby Blankets

Vibrant and beautiful muslin blankets

ART Reading

Reading for 2025

The Elements of Drawing by John Ruskin

Readings 2024

The Death of the Artist by William Deresiewicz

Metaphysics of the Creative Mind by Bergson

Cote D’Azur

Picked this up at the local library for $1. Old travel books are a great source of inspiration.

What You’re Really Meant To Do by Robert Kaplan

Art as Experience by John Dewey

Sir Joshua Reynolds’ Discourses

President of the Royal Academy of Arts in 1723

Read with me Reynolds’ Discourses on fine art as a study.

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