My name is Andalee and I live in California. Born and raised here in the sunny state of surfers, snowboarding, and good vibes, where I find a lot of inspiration.
I have been working as a graphic designer for 14 years now and began my journey with surface pattern design, illustration, and watercolor painting several years ago. As a kid I loved art and painted dinosaurs. I heard frequently from teachers that art doesn’t make money and I picked a different career. I got lost in education after my MA program and research in English and teaching reading program. I worked in education for 5 years. I love books, but I’ll be honest…it didn't feel like my call to do creative work. Every day burned inside me as I couldn’t wait to come home and make something with my hands.
This year I’ve decided to share what I learned on my journey to becoming an illustrator on The Last Pigment. I hope that I can inspire you to pick up a paintbrush or any art tool of choice and go on an adventure. I heard many times that watercolors were scary, or that because someone didn’t know how to draw they couldn’t paint. Well, none of that is true. You are capable and there is space for you. Art is the exploration of the unrealized.
I share my work on Youtube, Instagram, Gab, and MeWe. Please feel free to reach out to me on any of them. I hope to inspire and encourage you.