Setting Up a Home Studio for New Mom Artists

The month before our baby came, I started painting my office a lovely shade of purple so it could become our daughters nursery. Instead of getting sad about losing my studio space, I saw it as an opportunity to find better lighting and a new area to paint. My husband moved my easel downstairs into our living room. Becoming a mom means adapting to a new person in your life but still holding onto your own identity. Here are a few things to keep in mind when carving out your own studio area and a few of my favorite home office items.

1. Identify Your Space

Start by identifying a suitable space in your home that can be dedicated to your artistic pursuits. This could be a spare room, a corner of the living room, or even a portion of your bedroom. We chose our dining room and my easel fit there and it had a great light source under our skylights. Placing your easel or desk next to a window with natural light is a great choice. Studio lighting can be difficult to control and natural light is the best source.

A window will give your photos or video a good lighting source. You may also want to consider a room that has good ventilation depending on what medium you are using. This is true if you’re using acrylics. I personally use an air filtration system to make sure the room gets good ventilation. We spent a little extra to get a Dyson air purifier for our living room.

2. Choose Functional Furniture

Select furniture that maximizes functionality and comfort. A sturdy desk or table, a comfortable chair with good back support, and adequate lighting are essential elements of a productive home studio. Additionally, consider incorporating versatile storage furniture like rolling carts or multi-tiered shelves to optimize space.

I use the Lexington 3-tier Rolling Utility Cart to organize my art supplies. You can find it on Amazon or at Michaels. My art supplies and studio are in the living room so I use the cart to keep everything organized and hide the clutter.

3. Invest in Quality Art Supplies

Invest in high-quality art supplies that inspire creativity and enable you to explore various techniques and mediums. Stock up on essentials such as paints, brushes, sketchbooks, canvases, and drawing tools. Opt for non-toxic and odorless materials, especially if you'll be working in close proximity to your little one.

5. Create a Child-Friendly Zone

If you're juggling artistry with motherhood, create a child-friendly zone within your studio where your little one can play safely while you work. I keep toxic paints that a small child could grab or chew on in a sealed toolbox they are unable to open.

If your local art supply doesn’t carry this brand, you can also purchase a toolbox off of Amazon or at your local hardware store. It hides clutter and keeps the babies and pets safe. We also have dogs that could grab a tube of paint and chew on them. I like the portability of the toolbox as well.

6. Establish a Routine

Establishing a routine is crucial for balancing your roles as a mom and an artist. Soon after arriving home you will discover the babies new schedule of feeding and sleeping. I use time when she is sleeping to work on my business. You may also have a partner who works as well and have to work around their schedule. Our baby eats every 3 hours so I set aside a few hours in the morning for creative work and then schedule the administrative tasks later in the day when I’m most tired. I have also found that late at night when the baby is up I can use this time to work on projects as well. Here is a downloadable scheduler for new moms. You can print this PDF out and track feeding schedules alongside your creative business.

Download my hourly planner here!

7. Embrace Imperfection and Flexibility

As a new mom artist, it's important to embrace imperfection and be flexible with your expectations. Understand that your creative process may evolve and adapt to accommodate the demands of motherhood. Embrace the spontaneity and unpredictability of both parenting and artistry, allowing yourself the grace to grow and learn along the way.

8. Prioritize Self-Care

Amidst the demands of motherhood and artistic pursuits, don't forget to prioritize self-care. Take breaks when needed, stay hydrated, nourish your body with healthy snacks, and make time for activities that rejuvenate your mind and spirit. Remember, a well-nurtured artist is better equipped to nurture both their art and their family.

9. Seek Support and Community

Connect with fellow mom artists and creative communities both online and offline for support, inspiration, and camaraderie. Share your experiences, seek advice, and celebrate each other's triumphs and challenges. Having a supportive network of like-minded individuals can provide invaluable encouragement and motivation on your artistic journey.

10. Celebrate Your Achievements

Finally, celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it's completing a new artwork, successfully managing a day of parenting and painting, or simply finding moments of joy amidst the chaos, acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. Remember that you are capable of balancing the beautiful complexities of motherhood and artistic expression.

Setting up a home studio as a new mom artist is not just about creating a physical space—it's about cultivating a nurturing environment where creativity can thrive alongside the joys and responsibilities of motherhood. With patience, perseverance, and a dash of creativity, you can create a harmonious balance between your roles as a mom and an artist, enriching both your life and the lives of those around you.

Andalee Hyatt

I am a watercolor illustrator based out of Orange County, California, who loves cats, reading, and active sports.

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