Real Life Uses for NFTs

How are NFTs used? The internet is alive with arguments about how NFTs are a scam. However, what are these NFT slams based on? They’ve seen people get scammed from purchasing an NFT project that had no real backing. Perhaps their investment fell out of the NFT purchase when they went to resell them. What these people aren’t acknowledging by calling NFTs a scam is the real life use cases for NFTs.

Real Life Use Cases for NFTs

How can a digital object that you do not technically own be used in real life? Twitter recently began developing ways for NFT owners to use their NFTs as profile images. This is an exciting new use case for NFTs.

Social Media Profile Images

The social media profile pictures where users are displaying their NFTs serve a function. They allow people to connect within a community. The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a great example of this. Social media avatars quickly identify a person with what their interests are and encourage interaction within social media platforms. A person might see an NFT in someones profile that they also own, and this could inspire friendship, community, or potential promotion.

Gaming Characters, Property, Weapons, and Pets

Some NFT owners enjoy holding NFT pets like the project CryptoKitties. You can own, breed, and sell digital cats with the Cryptokitty project. It’s a fun project. People enjoy the surprise element of owning digital cats you can breed. You get to have as many pets as you want. Where there are limitations on how many you can actually have in your home, with cryptokitties you can enjoy cat ownership in a new way.

The gaming community embraced NFTs this year with the explosion of new games, characters that gamers can collect, and rare items. It takes the World of Warcraft experience to a new level. Do you remember in that game, if you played it, how you could purchase special pets that would adventure with you? NFT 1000X’s this experience because you can also purchase land. There is a new game where you can purchase your own planet. Your own planet! Troverse, a game coming soon, allows you to purchase planets in a realistic, science fiction interplanetary environment. There is incredible opportunity. The only reason I mention this as a real life use case is because some people are gamers and LOVE this aspect of NFTs.

NFTs for Charity

NFTs have the ability to change the world through charity. Despite their evident downsides and impact on the environment, NFTs have the ability to do a lot of good for the world. Not only do NFT sales support artists through royalties, something most artists envied other artists for achieving through licensing, but the sales of NFTs can also go to good causes. There is a project called Zelda Inu that supports the rehoming of dogs through donations from their crypto sales.

Digitally Displaying NFTs

NFTs can also be digitally displayed on monitors. This might sound silly. You might be thinking, but “Andalee I don’t have a monitor to display an NFT.” Well, even Amazon is providing solutions to this problem. You can buy a bedside digital screen to display family photos. One artist held her first digital art exhibition for her NFTs, and this venue promoted women artists. NFTs will interupt spaces in our daily lives whether or not traditional artists think they won’t. I will always be a traditional artist at heart, but I have embraced this new technology as an exciting opportunity.

The NFT space will transform and get even better as it continues to develop. There are many disadvantages currently in this space, but they will be overcome as the technology continues to grow. The real use cases for NFTs will also become more diverse.

If you are interested in learning more about transforming your traditional art into an NFT collection, check out my NFT Crash Course. 

Andalee Hyatt

I am a watercolor illustrator based out of Orange County, California, who loves cats, reading, and active sports.

NFT Crash Course for Beginners and Artists


What are the different types of NFTs?